
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Found Poetry

LK Ludwig posted a found poetry prompt on her blog on 2/6/09 to create a poem from the words on three scraps of book text and work it into your journal. Here is my interpretation of her exercise, taken from the pages of an 1860's ornithology textbook. Rather than put it in my journal, I created a journal "bottle" to illustrate my poem:
In winter,
Dark, without the exquisite hue of spring birds
Silky, silvery white feathers contrast
With the dingy, less-pure colors of the season.
Restless, active little forest birds,
Picking bugs out of cracks in bark,
A quaint and curious song
Recalling a titlark in midsummer

Be sure to visit her blog and check out everyone's links and read their found poetry, as well. Enjoy!


Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

OOOoooo I LOVE THIS JAN!! I will have to hop over to L.K. Blog and Check it OUT!!!


Anonymous said...

Jan - what a wonderful way to display a found poem. I love the poem too!