There is a change in the air tonight, as if an old, worn door has closed for good, content with holding the cold memories of what might have been. In its stead, a new portal opens to a kalideiscope of possibilities, full of sweet promise and life. "Come forth and live your dreams!" beckons a voice from beyond the door. "Choose to be alive!"
For when we grow old, it is far better to cherish memories of a life lived with no regrets, than to think of what might of been. Better still to spend our twilight years, holding hands and smiling at our shared stories, as we rock in our chairs by the light of the yellow moon.
hi there Jan
I'm totally into the sharing of stories, don't know about the rocking chair just yet though!!! summer here and the phone and the net do the linking for now, but Im just about to go and have a cuppa with a dear crazy-hearted arty friend now! to share our lives, to make sense of them, thats the go really! have a great week there, hope not too freezin for you at the moment.
found you thru a great book on journalling - ludwigs.
Rosie Fleming, in Canberra Australia.
come forth and live our dreams - yes!!!
thanks for great reminders
the only way to be, sometimes we have to shove the fear out of the way to get going tho! lets keep on pushing forward, even small steps yield great rewards I think..
one of the members of my choir is dying, over the next 6 months or so perhaps. She has a really definite marker in time, and a 'get out there and Live!', or seeing her is, for us all now. we just don't have forever to do things, we have to grab them and have a go really!
thanks for lovely blog. R
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