
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring has Feathers

a day of dreams
the garden and the hummingbird
float on my breath - unknown

In just a few moments in my garden, I was visited by most my feathered friends that struggled through the winter at my feeders. My Anna's Hummingbird was here this morning, but I missed getting a photo of her. This new hummingbird I believe is a Rufous Hummingbird - all rust and red in color. The House Finch looks a bit more orange - gearing up to wow the ladies...and as always, the jays come for their peanuts as soon as they hear me rustle the bag. Each jay picks up several nuts and puts them down, weighing each one to find the best one to take, although eventually, they take them all. We were graced with sunshine late this day and I planted my lettuces and snow peas while feeling the sun's heat warm my winter bones. Wrapped in the warmth of a spring day, I wonder what would life be without a garden full of feathers and flowers?


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how you were able to take the photo of the hummingbird, I loved it!!


Michelle said...

Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this glimpse of spring.