I left in the evening on September 16 and arrived in Melbourne two days later, even though the flight from the west coast was only 1500 in duration. I flew Qantas Air this trip at the recommendation of my seat mates on my last flight. They said Qantas had good food and good customer service. And they do. Great food. Free wine. Flight attendents with smiles on their faces. When you get to your seat, there is a blanket, headphones, toothbrush, toothpaste and a pillow waiting for you. Touchscreen TV/movies/games in the seat in front of you. And even though I was in the aisle seat, the food cart didn't even hit me once.
I arrived in the morning and began my slow trek through customs. Smiles all around. No worries. No stress. The biggest stress I had was how to manage my four bags by myself until I could get out of customs. And when I did, dear Eva was waiting for me, just as she was there the first time. We loaded everything in the car, shopped for groceries and headed to her house in the foothills of the Dandenong Range. I managed to stay up for awhile to settle in, but after almost 24 hours of being awake, I eventually collapsed into deep sleep.
And so many flavors to pick from...my favorite was lamb seasoned with rosemary and a curry pie. And sausage in a biscuit. We shopped the quaint stores of Olinda and Sassafras. I want to live in Sassafras someday...and have tea at Miss Marples, explore the colorful yarns of Sassafras Wool and relax in the ambience of the Oracle. Had a lovely conversation with a young man just starting down the path of becoming a professional photographer and a political discussion with an expatriot from Minnesota, who has lived there many years but never lost his American accent.
We slowly headed home, stopping to meet Eva's friends that live nearby and watched a bit of Aussie football. Now that's an exciting game. Don't think I'll be as enthusiastic about our football after seeing that. Eventually it was home and to sleep, to get ready for day two, Victoria Market and the city of Melbourne.